Krušnohoří Mining Cultural Landscape (Erzgebirge)

The Mining Cultural Landscape of the Ore Mountains (Krušné Hory) is a prominent mountain landscape formed by 800 years of ore mining and processing. The individual important cultural mountain, mining, and processing monuments, together with the historical centres of several mining towns (Jáchymov, Krupka, and Horní Blatná) create a comprehensive spectrum that testifies to the development of ore mining on a global level and to its influence on the landscape. The thematically rich landscape of the Czech Ore Mountains contains a number of unique historical mine shafts, the most valuable of which are in the historical towns of Měděnec, Mikulov, Abertamy and Krupka. The wider environment surrounding areas contains preserved surface waterwork structures and a landscape that still bears the historical traces of mining activities.