About Project

There are currently twelve unique Unesco World Heritage Sites in the Czech Republic that you can visit. However, there are many more fascinating sites in this beautiful country. In the Unescomůžeš (Unesco You Like) project we bring you a number of short documentary videos about the sites which are listed in the Czech Republic's Unesco World Heritage Tentative List. One day, these sites may become part of the World Heritage. Until that time you can enjoy their unique beauty in our videos and maybe it might even inspire you to choose the Czech Republic for the destination of your next trip. All of the films were shot by Czech photographer Ondrej Tylcer and each movie is accompanied by soundtrack music which was inspired by the site's mood, produced by the renowned Czech musician Robert Forman. The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic.


E-mail: unescomuzes@gmail.com, Tel.: +420 777 221 470