Three spa towns in West Bohemia – Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně (Carlsbad, Marienbad, and Franzensbad) – have long been known as the West Bohemian Spa Triangle. Their uniqueness lies in their geographical proximity, the architectural character of the main spa buildings, and the distinctiveness of their urban planning. Karlovy Vary is the largest spa town in the Czech Republic and has numerous mineral springs, the appearance of this town is completely dominated by generous constructions from the Historicism and Art Nouveau styles of the 19th and early 20th century. Mariánské Lázně is one of the most extensive spa complexes in the Czech Republic and is a lovely town with Classicist and Empirical houses, gazebos, garden houses and colonnades, all centred by the park with its Main Colonnade. Františkovy Lázně is one of the most important spa complexes in the Czech Republic in terms of both size and in the quality of its' preserved buildings. The heart of the spa town is marked by Classicist, Empirical and Historicist buildings and is surrounded by a large park with individual spa buildings built over the springs.